Arrive Alive

2003 TRAFFIC OFFENCE SURVEY:: Comprehensive Report on Fatal Crash Statistics and Road Traffic Information


The Road Traffic Management Corporation has published their first comprehensive statistical analysis of road traffic management incidents in June 2005 
The following road safety and crash statistics provide insight with regards to the threats to road safety in South Africa:

  • It is estimated that the cost of traffic crashes to individuals, commerce, communities and the country is in the region of R38 billion annually.
  • Every day an average of 36 lives are lost. Of these 15 are pedestrians, and 3 are killed in taxi-related incidents.
  • Around 20 people are permanently disabled on our roads every day.
  • More than 7000 people are left maimed each year by poor attitude and behavior on our roads.
  • Around 100 people are seriously injured on our roads each day.
  • More than 90% of crashes are due to lawlessness. Pedestrian and driver negligence and ignorance have a huge cost, both financially and in human suffering.
  • The number of fatalities per 100 mvk increased from 7,75 in 1998 to a rate of 10,75 in 2002. From 2002 a slight annual decrease was experienced to a rate of 10,44 in 2004.
  • The number of fatalities per 100,000 human population shows a steady annual increase from 21,61 in 1998 to 27,32 in 2004.

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